Selasa, 23 Agustus 2016

The Uniqueness Of The Tunnel Of Love In Ukraine, Railway Lines With The Romantic Atmosphere

Tags - Traveling along the couple into romantic destinations are certainly fun. If India had the Taj Mahal, the city of Paris with love, then Ukraine has the tunnel of love.

     The tunnel known as the Tunnel of Love has situated approximately 7 Km from the city of Kleve, Ukraine. Has a length of about 3 km, tunnel nature consists of trees that formed along the railway line.

     Was in it definitely, evokes a romantic atmosphere. But don't be surprised if all of a sudden there are trains pass here. This is because the Tunnel of Love is also used by trains to transport wood.
     But not to worry, the train that carries the wood fiber board factories nearest to it runs only three times a day. So the tourists can still walk around feeling the romantic atmosphere of the tunnel.

     The tunnel reaches the point of most romantic during the spring and summer. When it is, the leaves on the trees are dense. You can also enjoy a fierce magical love issued Tunnel of Love.
     In spring this place will become a place of love for most people. The reason this place gets a lot of young people who visit just walking along the tunnel to enjoy a romantic atmosphere.
     However, in autumn and winter, the romantic atmosphere is not lost. In the fall the foliage will be colorful. While in the winter the trees branches will add elegance to the snow-covered Tunnel of Love.

     local legend says that couples who visit the tunnels will granted his wish, as long as their intentions are sincere.

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